1. Login to The Orange
  2. Under Login > Impress
    1. If your listing has not gone live yet you can manually create a fact sheet by heading to DESIGNS
    2. If your listing has gone live, you can VIEW PROJECTS and you will find a prepopulated fact sheet under projects - Just Listed - Flyer - 1 AgentPre Populated Flyer
  3. Select on Designs, then you can choose either Just Listed - Flyer - 1 Agent  or under Designs (below) > Flyer
  4. You will be prompted to create a new project, name it your property and design type
    1. 123 main street - Fact Sheet
  5. At this point you can decide which images to upload
  6. Once you have uploaded your images you will need to input the information you want to include for your sheet
  7. Once you have your information feel free to confirm your contact information.
  8. Select Save & Continue, then download PDF