Prepping Your File

If you have a spreadsheet of contacts which you’d like to import into SmithCRM, it’s very easy to do. The system is setup to allow you as much flexibility as possible with the files you’re importing. Since you’ll be matching up the columns on your spreadsheet with the available fields in the system, there’s no need for the columns to be in any particular order.

The important part is to make sure that your contact data is formatted properly:

  • Client names - Names should be separated into 2 separate columns for first name & last name
  • Addresses - Addresses should be separated into 4 separate columns for street, city, state and zip
  • Important Dates - You can import contacts with property anniversaries, birthdays and wedding anniversaries if you have them. Each date should have 2 columns - one for the appropriate number for the month, and then another for the number for the date.
  • Tags - If you’d like to import contacts with tags included, you should have 1 column on your spreadsheet which contains them. If you’d like to import a contact with multiple tags, the tags should be separated by a column within that column. For example, “Hyde Park, $500-750k, Condo, Holiday List”

Want a template that will help you get started from scratch? Here’s one which you can download and use:


Quick Tip: If you have a spreadsheet which uses multiple tabs, when you save it as a CSV you will need to save it once for each tab. CSV files are a single-tab format.

Importing a File

1. From the CRM page, click the “Import Contacts” tab.

2. Select the file you’d like to upload from your computer and then click “Upload File.” Clicking loads the file into the import screen so that you can map the fields before you complete your import.

3. You’ll see a list of CRM fields on the page which you can import information into. Next to each field will be a drop down list which contains the names of the columns from your CSV. (If your CSV did not contain column headers, you’ll see the information listed in Row 1 on your list.)

4. Match each field up with the correct column on your CSV. You can skip matching up any fields on the page that don’t have matching values – no fields are required. For example: If for “First Name” you have “firstname” you’ll want to let the form field know First Name = firstname.

5. If there are columns on your CSV that you know don’t need to be imported, just skip them.

6. Once you’ve matched everything up, click the “Import” button.

Quick Tip: Since you’ll be matching up the fields to the columns on your CSV file, there’s no need for the names to exactly match. As long as you can tell where things need to go, you’re all set!