You can add contacts to your account one-by-one by hand entering the consumer’s information into the system. This method is best used when you only have one contact or a small group of contacts to enter at a time.

Adding a Contact

1. From the CRM page, click “Add Contact”.

2. Add the information you have into the relevant fields. The only required field on the form is “First Name" "Last Name" and "Email".

3. We encourage you to include as much information about a contact as possible but suggest you especially birthday, house anniversary date this way you can automatically add them to those drips.

4. Once all information is complete, click “Save ” at the bottom of the page in order to save your changes!

Important Fields & Their Values

  • Lead Heat - Indicate a contact’s priority by selecting one of the following values: Hot, Warm, Cold, Dead
  • Status - Used to indicate that the contact has completed a transaction
  • Quick Notes - Area of Interest, Budget, anything of value that will help you.
  • Origin / Referer - Allows you to indicate the source of business for a consumer. Sample values are: Advertisement, Direct Mail, Open House, Referral. But there are many more options!

  • Groups - The contact type classifies the contact. Possible values are: Agent, Buyer, Seller, Buyer-Seller, Friend, Rental, Landlord, Sphere, Vendor, Competitor, Recruit, and Other.