If you find yourself applying specific pages to a certain kind of report that you make pretty regularly, creating a template from those pages lets you apply them to a report automatically, so you don’t have to keep doing so manually. Awesome, right?

  1. The first thing you want to do is to create a report and adjust your comps. To apply a template, you do so in the Customize stage of report editing.
    Menu bar in customize C M A report page with customize indicated.

  2. On the next page, you see the options like, Layout, and Templates is the one you’re looking for.

    When you click on the Template option, you see all of the possible templates available to choose from that are already saved. We have already created smith default templates for you based on listing, buyer, etc. (If you have more than 8, just scroll down to see the rest)

  3. You can sort them based on All, Built-In (the ones that were designed for all CMA users to use) and Custom (the ones you’ve made yourself).
    Note: This is also where you create a new template, based on the pages that are currently displaying in the Your CMA Report area of the Customize section.

  4. To save the current pages, click on Templates, then choose the “Save as Template” option, which is outlined with a green dashed box.

Name the template whatever you’d like and is easy for you to remember, then click “Save”.
Your saved template is applied to your report!