Manually add a Testimonial Print

Modified on: Mon, May 16, 2022 at 3:05 PM

If you have testimonials you would like to add, you can do so manually.  These testimonials could have been received through email, text or perhaps in writing. Here is how you can manually add those testimonials individually.  

Step 1: Log into your account with your username or email address and password

Step 2: Locate the left-hand navigation column, click on Testimonials.  

Step 3: A drop down box will open, click on Add Testimonial


 The Add Existing Testimonial page will now open

Step 4: Enter the testimonial in the word box provided

Step 5: Click and select stars on the Star Rating, if applicable

Step 6: Fill in the following fields - Name (Testimonial Author), Author’s company/organization or relationship (cite website ie. Google), Author’s Email (Optional), Recording Date and Recording Time if available

Step 7: You can also add the Testimonial to one or more of your Website Widgets

Step 8: Click Save

The Manage Testimonials page will now open

Step 9: Here you can see the Testimonial you have just added to your account.

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